18 01, 2016

QuickBooks Online Tips – Getting the most out of Accounts Receivable Reports

By |2018-06-05T11:10:38-04:00January 18th, 2016|

Using QBO’s Accounts Receivable Reports

With the holidays and year-end over, you can turn your attention to catching up with your customers.

It would be nice if we could neatly wrap up every accounting month or quarter or year neatly, with all of our transactions completed. All current bills and invoices would be paid, physical inventory counts would match the quantities in our records, and all purchase orders would be fulfilled.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t usually work like that. […]

12 01, 2016

Did you know – QuickBooks is a powerful paperless accounting solution

By |2018-06-05T11:10:38-04:00January 12th, 2016|

How to Add Documents in QuickBooks Pro Premier or Enterprise Soutions

Accounting is about more than just numbers. QuickBooks lets you make documents available from within the program itself.

You could call QuickBooks a “green” computer program. It can conserve reams of paper by storing customer and vendor records, for example, emailing transaction forms, and accepting online payments.

Most small businesses are a long way from being “paperless offices,” despite the predictions so many people made when PCs […]

29 12, 2015

It’s time to get ready for 2016!

By |2018-06-05T11:10:38-04:00December 29th, 2015|

Get Ready for 2016: QuickBooks Can Really Help

We’ll be ringing in the New Year soon. Will you have wrapped up your 2015 finances by then?

There’s something very satisfying about turning our calendars to January. It always feels like a fresh start. We resolve to develop new, better ways of using our work and leisure time. We reflect on what we accomplished in the last 12 months, and we look forward to achieving even more in […]

4 01, 2015

Why you should be very concerned about “Reasonable Compensation”

By |2018-06-05T11:10:38-04:00January 4th, 2015|

“Reasonable compensation” has become a real hot button for the IRS when it comes to small businesses that file Subchapter S tax returns. As a business owner, it is your responsibility to accurately determine and document your Reasonable Compensation for the services you provide to your business. Reasonable Compensation is the salary or wages that you, a shareholder-employee of an S Corp, pay yourself for the work you perform for your company.

The IRS requires that all […]

2 12, 2013

A touch of gratitude

By |2018-06-05T11:10:38-04:00December 2nd, 2013|

I read a great post this morning on Upstart Business Journal. On the surface, it looks like the post about branding, but to me it’s really about gratitude. Perhaps even more important this message is about getting that feeling of gratitude out of your head and into the world where it can do some good by touching people. After all, that’s who we do business with – people, not companies!

At […]

1 11, 2013

8 Universal Laws of Leadership

By |2018-06-05T11:10:39-04:00November 1st, 2013|

I’ve been rereading my favorite book on leadership, “The Art of the Leader” by General William Cohen.  I love his perspective on leadership because it’s clear and straightforward, no BS, no drama.  For me, one of his most important points is that you don’t have to be the official leader to lead.  At the right time and under the right circumstances, you can, and indeed should, […]

18 09, 2013

5 Tips for Successful Delegation

By |2018-06-05T11:10:39-04:00September 18th, 2013|

I believe the fine art of delegation is critical to success in any type of leadership role, especially as an entrepreneur.  It’s another way of making your numbers work for you – not just the dollars, but time and other resources too.  Here are my top 5 tips:

  1. Appropriateness – Make sure the task you want to delegate is appropriate both to be delegated and for the person you’ve chosen to handle the task.  Take a […]
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